Although vendors will scan your official bar code, you may want to have your contact info linked to a QR code to make sharing your details with other attendees quick and easy. Business cards (are those still a thing?!?) get lost in the shuffle. Make your QR code the lock screen image on your device, since you will have the device handy at all times. As you connect with other attendees, they can scan and save your contact details. As an alternative, you can print your QR and slip it into your plastic conference badge holder.
Not familiar with creating QR codes? For QR code creation, I like qrstuff.com. You can link the code to a host of things including your contact information. You can also personalize the code with colors, etc. There are also some great Chrome extensions for QR creation and management. For scanning, I use the I-nigma app. Just make sure you have a system for organizing all those QR codes you scan.
Read this post for more info on organizing the QR codes you scan and other great conference tips!
Not familiar with creating QR codes? For QR code creation, I like qrstuff.com. You can link the code to a host of things including your contact information. You can also personalize the code with colors, etc. There are also some great Chrome extensions for QR creation and management. For scanning, I use the I-nigma app. Just make sure you have a system for organizing all those QR codes you scan.
Read this post for more info on organizing the QR codes you scan and other great conference tips!